A Level Results 2024: University Places Secured

Carmel O’Dolan, Head, Guildhouse School London

"I am extremely proud of this year’s A Level students and the results they have achieved. At Guildhouse School, we have a culture of investment and support that has enabled our students to progress to the best UK universities. Over the last five years, 80% of the top 20 UK universities have accepted our A Level students. This is a sign of how our school and our students are recognised academically and beyond. We wish all our A Level students all the best for their future."

Strong A Level Results

This year, 88.5% of grades were awarded A* – C, showcasing our students’ hardwork and dedication to their studies.

With our specialism in Business, it is no surprise that our students achieved 100% A*-A grades in Business Studies and Economics. Further, 71% of Mathematics grades were A*-B. 

Our students will now progress to top universities, with many pursuing Business, Finance and Economics as undergraduate degrees. 

Key A Level Results Statistics

Student Testimonial

"My great and inspiring teachers are the best thing about my courses, as they motivate and help me gain more interest in the subjects."

Study A Levels In London

Become a change maker at Guildhouse School London and study A Levels to prepare for the UK’s top universities.