"I am extremely proud of this year’s A Level students and the results they have achieved. 67% of our students have been awarded at least one A* or A grades between 2020 and 2023. At Guildhouse School, we have a culture of investment and support that has enabled our students to progress to the best UK universities.
In fact, 97% of the top 30 UK universities have accepted our A Level students over the last ten years – a sign of how our school, and our students are recognised academically and beyond. We wish all our A Level students all the best for their futures."Carmel O’Dolan
Head, Guildhouse School London
A Strong Track Record
Guildhouse School London has a strong past performance both in the outcomes for students and the universities that students attend. 83% of the Russell Group universities have accepted Guildhouse School A Level students over the last ten years. Students go on to study courses like Economics, Business and the Sciences.

Guildhouse School A Level Results 2023

Top University Destinations

Danny from Brazil
"Guildhouse School has helped me a lot with my university applications I was researching universities and they helped me to know the unis and choose which one I’d really like to go to."
Danny from Brazil
Danny studied Business, Economics and Maths as part of her A Level course at Guildhouse School London. Danny achieved A, A, A, B grades. She has received offers from Queen Mary, University of London, and City University of London. She will go on to study Economics, Finance and Management at Queen Mary University of London.

Leila from Kazakhstan
"The love and enthusiasm that my teachers have for their subjects reflected on me too as I gained a love and passion for them. The support they showed me through my A Level is priceless. I really appreciate their hard work and everything they have done for me."
Leila from Kazakhstan
Leila studied Biology, Chemistry and Maths as part of her A Level Course at Guildhouse School London. She achieved A, A, A grades. She has received offers from University of Nottingham, Swansea University and St Georges, University of London. She will go on to study Cancer Science at University of Nottingham.