The Student Experience

Student life at Guildhouse School 

At Guildhouse School we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and supportive education environment. We understand that studying in the UK may be a very different experience for international students and over our history have created a school that allows students to flourish. 

What Students can expect at Guildhouse School

Subject Support

Students engage with their teachers to assess their progress and if extra subject specific support is needed additional sessions outside of usual lesson times in one-to-one or small groups can be made available.

Additional Learning Support

Students are encouraged to highlight any additional learning challenges they may have. Our teachers also monitor for indicators of any challenges a student may have in their own learning.

Immersive English

All school life is conducted in English, giving every student the opportunity to master the language in both academic and social settings. Our immersive education style nurtures every student to build knowledge, become resilient and achieve the best outcomes in life.

Supportive Staff

Our academic staff team and live-in House Parents are always on hand to provide the highest standard of safety and pastoral care and help students settle into the school by creating a caring and comfortable home.

Keeping Parents Informed

Our Personal Tutors and Student Services Team act as a link between subject teachers, House Parents and parents. Parents are always welcome to meet with any members of staff and will be updated on their student’s grades every half term, and receive a half-termly newsletter and a magazine twice a year. 

Personal Development Curriculum:

The Guildhouse School student experience is not just about studying. We strive to develop our students as well-rounded individuals who can become impactful global citizens. Our Personal Development Curriculum has been created to help students understand the world around them and become as informed as possible when making the big decisions they will encounter in life.

Key areas covered include: 

  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) – the development of skills and knowledge not necessarily associated with a curriculum subject or discipline.  
  • Being a ‘global citizen’ – understanding the world around us and current affairs with a focus on learning to digest and process information to make informed views. 
  • Respecting and embracing equality and diversity – appreciating the differences between people and understanding that prejudice and discrimination are unacceptable.  
  • Preparing for independence and responsibility in readiness for adulthood.  
  • Understanding how to assess risk and make good decisions.  


Discover the range of activities and trips open to all Guildhouse School students.

Subject Choice and Structure

Guildhouse School students play an active part in how the school is run and all students are encouraged to take part in the democratic process of selecting students to represent the student body. The Student Council meets throughout the year to discuss student issues and any concerns that their fellow students may have and works with the Headmaster to develop new initiatives.  

Any student can put themselves forward as a candidate for student council during the autumn term election season. Each candidate produces a manifesto which they present to their fellow students and manage their own election campaign. The candidates with the most votes from the Student Council will represent the student body for the academic year and the candidate with the most votes becomes the Student Council President.  

Experience student life at Guildhouse School